Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Group photo in the Roman Amphitheater

Ruins of a Roman aqueduct

Mr. Ybarra and others on the shores of the Mediterranean

Cave Christmas

Star marking the spot in the cave where Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank

Mr. Lively and Mr. Sushinsky waiting to venerate the marker of the birth of Jesus

Heights group in The upper Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank

Fr. Diego celebrating Holy Mass for the group at the Basilica of St. Catherine, Bethlehem. Just above the site of the Nativity of Our Lord

Entrance to the Franciscan Casa Nova, Jerusalem where the Heights group is lodging

The ancient path to the Holy Sepulcher Church, just outside the Franciscan Casa Nova

 Ancient Roman amphitheater
Ancient Roman amphitheater at Caesarea Maritime


Breakfast today passed amiably as in previous days. Our nourished group then departed Nazareth for Caesarea Maritime, an ancient Roman City founded in 22 BC on the Mediterranean seacoast. Amazed by the still standing monuments of an age-gone-by, the Heights boys sauntered through a large Roman amphitheater, with many likening themselves to world-class beast-hunters and gladiators. Other notable sights included the ancient historic seaport, aqueduct and the ruins of the Promontory Palace, where Pontius Pilate governed during the time of Jesus. The apostle Paul was also imprisoned here for two years. The boys spent some additional time enjoying the beach in this Roman locale before beginning their journey to the City of Bethlehem.

Bethlehem is home to the oldest Christian church in the world, the Church of the Nativity, built over the place where Our Lord was born. Upon arrival, the boys waited to enter the narrow passage of the cave. Inside the cave there lays a star that marks the birthplace of Jesus. Each boy took a turn kneeling low, entering the cave and venerating this holy place. Many of the boys were overcome with emotion and asked Hussam, their guide, detailed questions about the traditions surrounding this site. Several of the boys even requested to stay longer and pray.

At around mid-day, Father Diego celebrated Holy Mass at the Franciscan Basilica of St. Catherine just above the Nativity site. A visit to Shepherd’s Field followed. In and around Shepherds Field were the caves where shepherd’s kept careful watch over their flocks by night, and where, as the Gospel of Luke tells us, an Angel announced the birth of Jesus to these dutiful shepherds. Once they had taken in their fill of all these wondrous sights, the group departed Bethlehem, making their way, at last, to the Holy City of Jerusalem.

On arrival to Jerusalem, the boys checked in to what will be their home for the next four nights: the Franciscan Casa Nova, located within the fortified walls of this ancient city. The Casa stands just steps away from the most sacred Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Contained within this church is the place of the crucifixion, Calvary, and the empty tomb of Jesus.

Over the next few days the boys will witness the faith of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world as they walk in the very places Jesus walked during his public life.