Tuesday February 28, 2023

Update: Feb 28, 11:45 PM. Jerusalem, Israel

(Please see Photos and Videos below)

Following breakfast Sister Margaret Byrne (Age 93) gave the boys a farewell message in the Holy Family courtyard. She said a special message had come to her in a dream for the boys. “Open your heart to Jesus and give your heart to others” Our nourished group then departed Nazareth for Caesarea Maritime, an ancient Roman City founded in 22 BC on the Mediterranean seacoast. Amazed by the still standing monuments of an age-gone-by, the Heights A Cappella guys gave us a wonderful performance in the Roman amphitheater. Other notable sights included the ancient historic seaport, aqueduct and the ruins of the Promontory Palace, where Pontius Pilate governed during the time of Jesus. The apostle Paul was also imprisoned here before being sent to Rome. We then began our journey to the City of Bethlehem.

Bethlehem is home to the oldest Christian church in the world, the Church of the Nativity, built over the place where Our Lord was born. Upon arrival, there was a short wait to enter the narrow passage of the cave. The Heights men sang Silent night as they each venerated the Holy Star marking the birthplace of Jesus. At 4PM, Father Diego celebrated Christmas Holy Mass in the St. Jerome Chapel directly adjacent the the spot of the most Holy birthplace. Father remarked in his homily that he was filled with joy at being able to celebrate Christmas Mass. ( The only place in the world where this is permitted other than on Christmas Day). He spoke on the humanity of Jesus and his obedience to his Mother Mary and foster Father Joseph.

All in the group were overjoyed during this Christmas Mass singing hymns usually reserved for December. Following Holy Mass were were all privileged to venerate the Christ Child in this most Holy place of His birth.

A special lunch featuring hamburgers and french fries was served to mark this special occasion at the Franciscan Casa Nova just next to the Nativity Church. The guys were so excited to quickly eat this American meal.

We then made our way to the Israeli Museum that featured a 1/50 scale model of the City of Jerusalem at the time of the death of Jesus and beyond. This model helps to gain an understanding of the Jewish Temple at the time and the location of Golgatha/ Calvary and the tomb located outside the walls.

On arrival to Jerusalem, we entered the Jaffa gate by foot to our home for the next 5 days, The Greek Catholic Melkite Patriarch located within the fortified walls of this ancient city. The GCMP stands just steps away from the most sacred Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Contained within this church is the place of the crucifixion, Calvary, and the empty tomb of Jesus.

After check-in we enjoyed a fabulous dinner followed by a celebration of the birthday of Mateo Stadelmann. The group then recited the Holy rosary in the very beautiful chapel (located in our building) followed by free time for adventure.

Over the next few days these Heights men will witness the faith of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world as they walk in the very places Jesus walked during his public life.

Sister Margaret Byrne (age 93) gives her faith filled message

Sister Margaret Byrne and friends

Roman Ruins. Caesarea Maritime

Roman Foot

Roman Amphitheater

Roman ruins cont.

Nativity Church

Hamburger lunch, Casa Nova

Courtyard Nativity Church

Mateo reads and serves Mass on his birthday

Father Diego celebrates Christmas Mass

After Mass group shot in St Jerome Chapel

Model of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus and 10 Years later

Arriving at Jaffa Gate

The Heights A Capella guys performing in the Roman Amphitheater (22 BC).

Veneration of the Christ Child

Christmas Mass an hymns

Happy Birthday Mateo!